Every action counts. We believe in doing our share of making this world a better place and we choose to make sustainability more inclusive in our decisions. From the way we live to the community we interact with, we all make an effort to do our share. Our suppliers in the US and Mexico are very conscious of the alternatives for living and working sustainable lifestyles and together we take the paths towards...

 Care ∙ Community ∙ Alternatives

Every action counts. We believe in doing our share of making this world a better place and we choose to make sustainability more inclusive in our decisions. From the way we live to the community we interact with, we all make an effort to do our share. Our suppliers in the US and Mexico are very conscious of the alternatives for living and working sustainable lifestyles and together we take the paths towards shared sustainability responsibilities and goals. We have joined forces with them to be part of the change in fashion and offer better, long-lasting, quality products and help our community by improving their lives and we strive to improve ours. 

At times the products and services with sustainability verifications cost more than the alternatives, this is especially true for most sustainable fashion brands like CASUMS. The reason is that the efforts are placed in paying fair labor and ethical work practices and the true cost of materials. We think from a more community-minded perspective and work with individuals within North America to continue building a stronger continent. We have visited each of our suppliers and have seen the exceptional recycling efforts put in place by each of them.

We are committed to manufacturing products in a manner that supports the environment today and tomorrow. We will continue utilizing the resources we have to help the environment and offer longevity of the final products.

This is an ongoing initiative and we will continue our sustainability efforts and social responsibility to improve our community and make our home a better place for all. Share some of the actions you are taking to an eco-friendly world? 

What do you look for when buying accessories and does sustainability matter to you?

Join us on our journey as we create new designs for you to enjoy.

Find your style.


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